Dear reader,
If you’ve been around The Optimum Health Clinic for a while, you will be aware we are one of the world’s leading integrative health clinics. We have helped literally thousands of patients in over 35 countries around the world and much of this interest has been generated by word of mouth.
At the heart of everything we do, there is one core principle: the development of the very best protocols possible. What we do, works. That is why people talk about us, and that is why despite none of our practitioners ever working outside of the UK, we have patients in so many countries working with us remotely. We are incredibly passionate about the tools we have developed and we are on a mission to share them with as many people as possible.
Our psychology department have been offering professional training courses in hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and life coaching for six years, and four years ago we created an incredibly successful series of home study courses in these areas. You may also know that a few years ago we put together a very successful programme sharing real life case studies called “Therapy Tips”.
Well, now we’ve decided to take our online training in these areas to a whole new level. Alex has filmed a series of exclusive training tutorials, and we are also going to give you access to our two previous programmes for a huge concession.
If you are interested in helping yourself or others to create lasting transformation change in almost any area health, relationships, finances, or want to take your first steps on a fascinating path of developing in these areas, this is the programme for you.
Lets go through them one at a time:
NLP Level 1:
NLP Level 2:
Life Coaching:
Module 1: What makes an outstanding therapist: A fascinating insight into the difference that makes the difference with outstanding therapists, and how you can bring the very best out in yourself. Module 6: The Enneagram: This is Alex’s very latest teaching of this immensely powerful tool for understanding what makes people the way they are. This is an invaluable tool for giving the insight necessary to make lasting changes. Module 7: The STOP Process: This is one of the foundational tools of The OHC approach. It is the first time any of the clinic team have ever taught it outside of our live training courses. This technique alone can change your life. Module 8: The Parts Process: This is a very powerful technique for working unconscious beliefs, emotions and resolving inner conflict. If you’ve ever committed to making a change in your life and found yourself sabotaging yourself, this is a very powerful tool to work with and change this. |
Therapy Tips is made up of 9 real life sessions with a fascinating range of case studies which include: Three sessions with a former British Karate Number 1 working on confidence issues and self-esteem. Three sessions with an Olympian rower in training working on fatigue and energy issues, a training block and loss of motivation. |
Whatever you want to work with yourself or others, this set of techniques gives you an amazing toolkit to do so. If you are working with the clinic team as a patient, we expect this to accelerate your own process and reduce the overall number of sessions needed. If you are looking to work with others, this gives you amazing access to the magic behind the clinic's work.
The Ultimate Therapst Training is a training website created by The Optimum Health Clinic team, which pulls together all three of the above programmes, along with introductory guidance videos for each module. Here are some screenshots of the site:
Because we want to make this available to as many people as possible, for the first 100 people, we are offering a huge discount on this brand new programme.
Since they were launched, our Home Study Courses in Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching have sold for £420. Originally, Therapy Tips was also £420 at its full price. If the exclusive video modules were sold on their own, they would be a similar price, making the total value of this programme around £1300. And, it is worth bearing in mind that this is most of the content from our Level 1 Practitioner Course which is £2064 with VAT.
But, for the next two weeks, we are offering The Ultimate Therapist Training for £197 (instalment plans available). We are doing this because we want as many people as possible to benefit from this programme. At the time of launching we have only a limited number of places available, and are expecting these to be filled over the next week or so. Feedback from our previous programmes has been exceptional, and we know you are going to be blown away by the new content. It really is the culmination of all of our years of experience.
There is also a full money back guarantee, no question asked. This means you can trial the entire programme for 30 days, and if it does not exceed your expectations, we will give you all of your money back. We will just be grateful you took the time to check the programme out.
If you have any questions, please do email
We are pleased to be announcing that until Tuesday 5th November 10% of all sales are being donated to registered charity |
Warm wishes,
Alex Howard
P.S. And, as part of our commitment to you, for the final few places available, we are also including:
Double the cost of the programme concession against any of our live trainings. If at some point in the future you decide to join us on one of our certified professional training courses, we will give you £400 discount! (Please note, this cannot be used in conjunction with any other concessions or offers).